Comic Book Implosion: An Oral History of DC Comics Circa 1978
(affiliate link) is a thorough,
detailed look at the lead-up to the DC Implosion in 1978, and its aftermath.
However, at times it can be a dry read, and its appeal might be limited to die-hard
comic book industry junkies or researchers. Nevertheless, I’m glad this book
DC Implosion occurred during the summer of 1978. At the time, DC was planning a
massive increase of its comic book line, billed as the DC Explosion, including
increased issue sizes at an increased price. However, just as it was launching,
DC was forced by Warner Bros., its parent company, to slash its lineup of
comics being released by at least 40% and trim its staff. As news of the cuts
spread, it gained the name the DC Implosion.
The book compiles
quotes from numerous industry journals, such as The Comics Journal, The
Comics Reader, and MediaScene, of
the major industry players involved in DC Comics at the time. You get article
excerpts from Jeanette Kahn, publisher of DC Comics at the time, Paul Levitz, then
DC Comics editorial coordinater, Mike Gold, then DC Comics public relations representative,
and many others. There are also recollections pulled from articles, blogs, and
biographies years later. It is an impressive piece of research and compilation
to put all of these disparate quotes into a readable, valuable book. My only
quibble is that it’s billed as an oral history, and from my spot check of the
index, there only appeared to be 6 or 7 actual email interviews conducted, and
most of them were with current industry insiders who were merely fans at the
time of the Implosion. So, I don’t know if this book actually qualifies as an
“oral history.”
interesting to me were the snippets about contract negotiations, personnel
moves, and creator-ownership of characters. The years leading up to the DC
Implosion were when the creator-rights movement began to gain steam. Changes in
the copyright law, the financial straits of Siegel & Shuster leading up to
the release of Superman: The Movie, and
the short-lived attempt to form a Comics Creators Guild, all contributed to the
creator-rights movement gaining steam in the lead-up to the Implosion. In its
aftermath, some comic books that would have been published and owned by DC
ended up being published elsewhere and owned by the creators, such as Bucky O’Hare.
There are also some interesting snippets about contract disputes with some of
the creators, and the rights-clearance process for the Superman vs. Muhammad Ali cover.
The story behind
the two Cancelled Comics Cavalcade books
was also particularly interesting. The quickly produced books, consisting of
only 40 copies, were made from the comics cancelled during the Implosion. It
was apparently done to preserve the copyrights to these works, which is
somewhat questionable reasoning. The books were primarily distributed to those
involved in creating the cancelled works with a few held in the DC archives and
some sent to the copyright office.
interesting piece from the book is its look at the causes leading up to the
Implosion, including the massive winter blizzard that impacted sales in early
’78, and the issues with the diminishing returns of newsstand distribution. It
concludes by looking at how the Implosion impacted the industry, not only in
the short-term, but in the long-term evolution of how publishers did business
in its aftermath. It partially attributes the rise of mini-series and the
direct market as outcomes of the Implosion.
Comic Book Implosion: An Oral History of
DC Comics Circa 1978 is a fascinating, well-researched book. For those
wanting to learn more about the business of comics, it is an essential read.